The Open Group, a vendor-and technology-neutral IT consortium, announced that Huawei has been accredited to the Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS).
The standard is aimed at assuring both the integrity of commercial off-the-shelf information and communication technology products and the security of their supply chains. The standard helps safeguard the products and their global supply chains against the increasing sophistication of cybersecurity attacks.
The O-TTPS Accreditation Programme recognises Open Trusted Technology Providers who are conformant to the standard by granting the use of trademark and listing the organisation on a public registry.
“Huawei is dedicated to ensuring that it is consistently following product integrity and supply chain security best practices defined by international standards like O-TTPS”, said John Suffolk, Huawei’s global cyber security and privacy officer.
Accreditation is applicable and available to all ICT providers in the chain: OEMS, integrators, hardware and software component suppliers, value-add resellers and distributors. Being able to identify accredited organisations on a public registry not only benefits commercial customers and governments who want to work with trusted technology partners, it also benefits COTS ICT providers, who can identify and choose to work with accredited component suppliers, distributors and value-added resellers that would also be listed on the registry – thus enabling a holistic approach, essential to raising the bar on security and integrity for all constituents in the supply chain.