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Our editor, Tony Morbin, sits down with Tormod Ree, CEO of Ava Unified Security to discuss insider threats and asks if they ever be eliminated. We’re often told how our users are our biggest threat – particularly accidental breaches which can potentially carry huge fines. However, what if the fault actually lies with the company that introduces technology built primarily for specialists, and lacks default restrictions on dangerous behaviour? And when it comes to network monitoring, what information is acceptable to...

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Open Sign

At the time of writing, the UK is on the long, anxious road back to normality as we continue to come slowly out of the nation-wide lockdown facilitated by the Covid-10 pandemic. Where questions a few months ago were related to how we can flatten the curve, protect the NHS and the economy, now the narrative surrounding Covid19 has changed to think about how we can consider keeping businesses as profitable and safe as we...

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