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google algorithm update

Search giant Google is currently undergoing one of its biggest algorithm updates in its history, sources are told. The online search platform which manages more than 8 billion searches per day is doing a significant update to its internal systems which will impact how search queries will be shown, with attention to parasite websites, improved quality rankings and spam policies. The core update as it is known has been processed for around 2 months, starting...

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Running a business in today's competitive landscape can be tough, especially if you want to expand internationally. Doing it alone can be overwhelming, which is why companies like Flyfish can be invaluable. They specialize in corporate payroll solutions and offer a range of financial solutions to support your growth. Choosing this service means gaining access to various financial automation tools designed to simplify your operations.  From streamlining payroll processes to managing international transactions, Flyfish offers...

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Generative AI (GenAI) is a top player changing the internet’s landscape. Infiltrating various markets, it presents new and enhanced risks to this landscape. At the same time, the possibilities enamor many people.  However, that doesn’t mean just as many don’t remain wary of it. One of the primary markets touched by the evolving GenAI is cybersecurity.  Cybersecurity Threats from Generative AI Cybersecurity has long been one of the most important aspects to pay attention to....

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Darren Guccione

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (Regulation (EU) 2022/2554) was born from a realisation that businesses, particularly those in financial services, rely increasingly on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and digital means to operate. The result of this digitalisation is predominantly to bring speed, ease of use and innovative services to customers, yet it also introduces the risk of cyber attacks or incidents that could lead to data breaches, downtime and financial losses. Any disruption to...

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anonymous mask

Anyone who spends time online these days will either interact directly with deepfakes or come across discussions about them – as they are fast becoming an urgent matter for people to understand and lawmakers to control. While photo-editing and video-editing software has been around for many years now, advancements in AI (artificial intelligence) technology can manipulate face-swap images to make them look more real than ever using machine learning. Named for the ‘deep learning’ technologies...

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Top 5 Red Teaming Companies In The UK

We have reviewed the best red teaming companies in the UK and our team has taken into consideration a number of factors when determining this list including: Their reputation Credentials and affiliations such as Crest Company history Staff members, founders and experts Success rate with clients Customer testimonials and case studies   What is Red Teaming? In cybersecurity, "red teaming" is a practice where security professionals, known as the red team, simulate cyber attacks on...

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23andMe sparks rethink about safeguarding data: on-premises vs. hybrid cloud strategies

Recently 23andMe, the popular DNA testing service, made a startling admission: hackers had gained unauthorised access to the personal data of 6.9 million users, specifically their ‘DNA Relatives’ data. This kind of high-profile breach made headlines globally, and naturally highlights the need for stringent security measures when handling organisational data – especially the type of sensitive genetic information that 23andMe is responsible for. Further, although the hacker appears to have to use a tactic known as credential...

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23andMe shifts blame to users for data breach

They say, “Experience is the best teacher.” Well, they never said it had to be your experience. If we look closely, there are lessons to be learned from these five fateful API attacks that can help any organisation secure its APIs better. Here they are. Zendesk 2017 The scenario: The helpdesk ticketing platform Zendesk was exposed to attackers thanks to a SQL injection vulnerability in a GraphQL endpoint. A second flaw would allow attackers to,...

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Cybersecurity threats are evolving at an unprecedented pace, posing significant challenges to Security Operations (SecOps) teams worldwide. Managed Detection and Response (MDR) emerges as a crucial ally, offering a sophisticated blend of technology and expertise to fortify defenses. Read on to explore five compelling reasons for incorporating MDR into your SecOps strategy, from ensuring compliance to proactively managing threats and transforming your organizational security posture with a harmonious integration of intelligent automation and human insight. ...

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Malware variety increases by 13.7% in 2019

In an era dominated by technological advancements, the legal profession is undergoing a profound transformation, with Information Technology (IT) skills emerging as a cornerstone for success. The convergence of law and technology has opened new vistas and challenges, compelling legal professionals to acquire and hone IT skills.   Legal Research and Data Analysis   One of the primary areas where IT skills play a pivotal role in legal careers is in legal research and data...

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