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Cyber Bites

Facebook data leak

With being in the spotlight, celebrities are unfortunately a notable, prime target for hackers and reality TV personality, Witney Carson was tragically the latest subject whose social media accounts were comprised this past week. The Dancing With the Stars pro took to Twitter on Saturday to share with fans and followers that her official Facebook account had been hacked and she was in the middle of "trying to get it fixed." But while Carson was working to get things back to normal, hackers had...

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Targeted PoS Attacks reported by on Gas Station Merchants

At least two North American chains have been hit in sophisticated new campaigns for stealing payment card data. Point of Sale (PoS) systems belonging to at least two North American gas station merchants and a hospitality chain have been attacked over the last few months by what Visa this week described as sophisticated cybercrime groups looking to harvest payment card data. Source: Dark Reading

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The operators of the REvil Ransomware, otherwise known as Sodinokibi, have announced that they will use stolen files and data as leverage to get victims to pay ransoms. A new tactic by ransomware developers is to release a victim's data if they do not pay the ransom. While we have seen these threats in the past, only recently have Ransomware operators, such as Maze, actually followed through. Source: Bleeping Computer

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Malware variety increases by 13.7% in 2019

In 2019, the number of unique malicious objects detected by Kaspersky’s web antivirus solution rose by an eighth, compared to last year – reaching 24,610,126. This growth was mainly influenced by a 187% rise in web skimmer files. Other threats, such as backdoors and banking Trojans detected in-lab, also grew, while the presence of miners dropped by more than a half. These trends have demonstrated a shift in the type of threats used by attackers...

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door with keys

It’s not that uncommon for some people to experience an amount of joy and excitement at the news of websites, databases, and institutions getting hacked. Some people, however, view these incidents as something far removed from them, something that happens to everyone except them. Reality, however, has taken on a frightening turn for owners of Ring security cameras who suddenly find virtual intruders in their homes, thanks to hackers who break into the security system...

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Government departments targeted by new phishing campaign

A newly discovered phishing campaign is targeting government departments worldwide in what may be an attempt to gain information on government procurement services. Detailed today by security researchers at Anomali Inc., the campaign uses phishing emails specifically customized to target specific departments using information related to bidding and other procurement processes. Links in the emails then take those targeted through to fake sites that likewise have been designed to imitate real sites so attackers can harvest login credentials....

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Smart Krampus-3PC Malware attacks iPhone Users

The malware affected 100 different online publishers. A malicious web redirect campaign affecting iPhone users has impacted more than 100 publisher websites, including online newspapers and international weekly news magazines. According to the Media Trust’s Digital Security & Operations (DSO) team, iPhone users visiting any of the impacted websites were redirected in a recent malvertising campaign via a multistage process, to eventually land on a fraudulent popup masquerading as a grocery store reward ad. Along...

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‘AirDoS’ Bug fixed by Apple which crippled Nearby iPhones, iPads

Apple fixes bug that allows nearby hackers to render iPads and iPhones unusable. Apple fixed a bug in its file-swapping feature AirDrop, Tuesday, which allows nearby hackers to render iPhones and iPads inoperable. The bug opens the door for a type of denial-of-service attack, allowing an attacker to infinitely spam all nearby iPhones and iPads with AirDrop share popup notifications, according to the researcher who found it. Source: Threat Post

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Hundreds of Credit Card details stolen from Counterfeit Sneaker Sites

As the craze for the latest Off-White, Nike, and Adidas sneakers heats up, sites selling counterfeit kicks have popped up to capitalize on sneakerheads searching for the best deal. To make a bad deal even worse, hackers are now targeting these sites to install malicious Magecart scripts that also steal your credit card information. When shoppers purchase sneakers off of counterfeit sites, they will find that they didn't get the sneakers they were expecting, and...

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