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A shifting paradigm – Virsec’s deterministic approach to cybersecurity

Virsec has come a long way in the past few years. As recently as 2017, its technology only focused on memory protection. 5 years, $137 million in funding and the addition of host and feedback protection later, the company is looking to revolutionise cybersecurity, quite literally, from the inside out.  Greg Kelton, Regional Director of Europe at Virsec, is on the frontlines of that revolution. The enemy? Dwell time. “We’re seeing a monumental shift in...

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Andrew Clarke

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing work-from-home revolution has thrust identity management to the top of corporate agendas. As such, security professionals can no longer be satisfied with securing their perimeters, they now have to account for countless employees, devices and identities - all operating off site. One Identity recognised the paradigm shift early. Already an established player in the identity management space, their acquisition of access management provider OneLogin was a key move in cementing...

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Jim Dolce

Jim is a veteran of cybersecurity. He has founded four successful companies, held senior positions at both Juniper and Akamai technologies, and now serves as CEO of Lookout.  Lookout was founded in 2007 as an endpoint security service, but the acquisition of CipherCloud in March of 2021 marked the beginning of the company’s expansion into cloud security. Since then, Lookout has already facilitated huge advances within the cloud security sector.  “Cloud security revolves around companies...

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The IT Security Guru Buyer’s Guide 2022

Cybersecurity and compliance are now essential pillars within the modern enterprise. They are integral to the business continuity and legal responsibility of every organization, large or small.  What’s more, these obligations are exponentially more complex than they were just 5 years ago. However, since these are relatively new obligations that means finding the best vendors and understanding the right services for your company can be uncharted territory for your team. With this in mind, the...

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Cerberus Christian Espinosa Book Review

Growing up was not easy for entrepreneur, Iron Man and author, Christian Espinosa. “I played football, but I was also smart, but I also liked heavy metal, so I felt out of place from each particular clique” Espinosa revealed reminiscing on his formative years. As a response to various socio-economic difficulties beyond control, Espinosa’s mindset changed dramatically as he threw himself at every challenge and character development opportunity, trying to be the best he could...

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White hat ball unforgettable day

We were fortunate enough to sit down with Martin Tyley, Head of UK Cyber, KPMG ahead of this year’s annual White Hat Ball. Those with experience at White Hat events know that White Hat’s charitable endeavours and KPMG’s sponsorship are almost synonymous. Again, KPMG are this year’s headline sponsor, as Tyley, and the whole of KPMG continue to champion the change that we want to see in the world. While the White Hat Ball (affectionately...

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Corelight logo

Recently, security research group JSOF released 19 vulnerabilities related to the “Treck” TCP/IP stack. This stack exists on many devices as part of the supply chain of many well known IoT/ICS/device vendors. Think 100s of millions/billions of devices and you are in the right ballpark. The set of vulnerabilities is collectively known as “Ripple20” , and yes – like all big exploits it has its own website  (a fascinating read) and of course a logo. Refer also...

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mental health

by Corin Imai, senior security advisor at DomainTools Cybercrime and mental health issues are both rampant. This article will look at how mental health issues can leave organisations more at risk to cybercrime, and how combatting cybercrime can affect mental health.  Professional burnout is defined as a work-related condition of stress causing exhaustion, a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. Extensive literature exists about this phenomenon in relations to healthcare professionals, who need...

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The UK Workforce Prefers Working Remotely

On Sunday, the UK's Prime Minister spoke to the country to outline the next steps of the country-wide lockdown that was imposed last March to control the spread of the Coronavirus. Social distancing measures have forced an estimated 20 million people to work from their home, and if we consider that, as of December 2019, the people who reported working from home in the UK were a mere 1.7, the habit shift brought by the...

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With Halloween fast approaching, it’s a great time to discuss some of our favourite things in life: the creation of chocolate peanut butter cups and what these can teach us about phishing. Hard to imagine a time when before the “age of the cup” because there are many that never got to know the delicious glory that accompanies the unification of chocolate and peanut butter. Prior to that time, people walked around in total ignorance...

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