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White Papers

Furloughed workers’ emails – source of stress in more ways than one

  According to the latest figures, more than one in four or some 8.9 million workers have now been furloughed in the UK. It means, among other things, that a staggering amount of email inboxes are going unchecked - becoming a source of anxiety for employees and even gathering potential threats daily. In fact, a study conducted by Censuswide on behalf of KnowBe4 examined the attitudes of the British furloughed workforce regarding anxiety or stress,...

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Today, Huawei released its 2016 cybersecurity white paper ‘The Global Cyber Security Challenge -- It is time for real progress in addressing supply chain risks’ at the Information Security Forum (ISF) held in Berlin from October 22 to 25. The Huawei 2016 cybersecurity white paper reveals the continuous efforts of information and communications technology (ICT) providers across the globe in addressing supply chain security threats and in building end-to-end, reliable cybersecurity systems. It also highlights the...

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As C-level information and security executives are well aware, we now live in a world where the question is no longer “if” your network will be compromised, but “when.” Verizon and other research studies have proven that the most common and effective way for cybercriminals to target data of interest is to compromise vulnerable endpoints and use them as launch pads as part of an advanced threat campaign. In this whitepaper from Bromium, we look at how forward-thinking CIOs and...

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Drooms, the virtual data room provider,has released its whitepaper entitled: ‘Europe after the data protection scandal: how can confidential corporate data be protected?’. This paper focuses on the revelations around data security that have followed the recent disclosures about the NSA and its methods of gathering information.   These revelations have highlighted the need for a greater understanding of the data protection regulations in Europe. How does the Safe Harbor programme affect people’s business? Do...

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Avnet Embedded, a business group of Avnet Electronics Marketing EMEA, a business region of Avnet, has announced the publication of a new opinion paper warning that the only viable option for businesses is to rapidly migrate off Windows XP, in the wake of Microsoft's plan to withdraw support for XP in April 2014 – and giving businesses clear options as to what to do next.   According to the paper, which is entitled Is Migration the Only...

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Almost £7m worth of business contracts have been won by the Centre for Secure information Technologies (CSIT) since it was founded in 2009, according to the Centre’s annual report which has just been published. CSIT is the UK Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) for secure information technologies based at Queen’s University Belfast. Other highlights include industry contracts now make up 20% of CSIT’s income, showcases of ongoing national and international collaborative projects, the development of...

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As the analytics industry moves to address an explosion in machine-generated data, another opportunity is already here. Emails, texts, documents, and other unstructured human-generated data -- and the metadata associated with them -- deliver significant insight to businesses with the resources and will to mine them. Taking control of human-generated data provides companies with a more complete understanding of their intellectual property, enables them to aggregate business intelligence for sharing with employees, and allows security professionals to identify and mitigate...

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A server needs to be carefully managed for its resources, to ensure the highest performance and operational efficiency. Your web server is no exception to this rule. The experienced team at DOSarrest, DDoS mitigation and internet security experts, have been helping clients defend against DDoS attacks for years. They have had the opportunity to analyze hundreds of websites, and have discovered an alarming number of vulnerabilities and inefficient coding. They have seen insecure web applications...

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Verizon’s longstanding Data Breach Investigations Report1, or DBIR, is an excellent starting point to understand the larger trends in security and data protection. The DBIR is based on statistics collected by the US Secret Service, the Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit, and 17 other state and governmental contributors, representing incidents on a global scale. While there may be a few significant one-off breaches, over the years the report has been published—since 2004—key trends have emerged.

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When it comes to protecting spreadsheets, documents, images and other data on file servers, SharePoint sites, and in Exchange mailboxes and public folders, most organizations readily admit that their current processes and risk profiles are less than ideal. Unfortunately, IT personnel – rather than the people that own the data – are the ones making many of the decisions about permissions, acceptable use, and access review. Since IT personnel do not have the business context behind the growing volumes of unstructured and semi-structured...

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