Credit card company Discover is probing an online retailer after a breach of customer card data was detected.
According to security blogger Brian Krebs, is being quizzed for the second time after a number of banks said that they were seeing fraud on cards that were all recently used by customers of the retailer. said that it was aware of this and had called in outside investigators to check for signs of a digital break-in for the second time in the last seven months. Its director of business development Vishal Agarwal said that its work with Trustwave last October found that was no clear cut evidence that any systems had been compromised, but Discover got in touch again in February after more incidents of fraud were tied to the company.
Agarwal said: “We have been hearing the complaints from banks, but apart from that we’ve done our analysis and due diligence, and there is nothing seriously we can find that may have resulted in customer cards being compromised.”
NoMoreRack is now in the process of certifying itself as a Tier-1 merchant, even though the number of credit and debit cards it processed in 2013 placed it squarely in the Tier-2 range.