A training capability to enable organisations to test and validate their cyber security in a safe, realistic and secure environment has been launched by Serco.
Named cybX and affiliated to the Emergency Planning College (EPC) on behalf of the Cabinet Office, will offer organisations a hands-on technical and consequence management training programme against a cyber attack.
According to the company, it is designed to test both IT staff and management teams on their ability to identify the nature of a cyber-attack; terminate that attack; manage their organisation’s response; and restore systems to the ‘new normal’. For each session, Serco will create a corporate network in order to provide those taking part with a realistic environment in which to test their skills against a variety of simulated internal and external scenarios.
During the exercise, performance is objectively assessed leading to a much greater understanding of an organisation’s strengths and vulnerabilities and where improvements can be made.
Director of cybX Richard Preece, said: “Our new training is designed to put employees from the server room to the board room through their paces and enable organisations to better prepare for the inevitable cyber-attack.
“This gives management boards and executive teams the strategic assurance they need and, hopefully, the confidence to further exploit the opportunities that digital innovation can bring to business growth and development in the increasingly inter-connected global economy.”