This morning we are delighted to introduce the all new IT Security Guru website.
After we launched the first full version of the website last January, we identified areas that we wanted to improve, and what we liked, and worked with designers and developers to build this new site that we hope you will find as easy to use and inviting as we do.
So what is new? Well apart from the reduced (but still enough) green, and the same editorial content, we have changed our homepage around so we now contain all of our upcoming webcasts, better links to our rapidly growing social network groups and make it easier for you to find the most recent additions to the website.
At the top of the homepage we have added the section “Top Stories” which features the most recent addition – be it news, blog, Guru article or news in brief. Our Gurus section now features the most recent 12 articles compared to the 4 we offered before, whilst our news, videos, blogs and top 10 news are easier to navigate.
Also if you fancy a bit of a gamble and a delve into our archive, there is a button at the top of the page (with two inter-locking arrows) which gives you a random article. Also added to the home page is the Case Studies section, real examples of where technology and services are being used.
On the pages themselves, importantly we have added the comment functionality so we can communicate better with you the reader.
We hope you like what we have done, do talk to us and let us know what you would like to see more or less of, and what we should be writing about. We called this the site for our community back at the beginning of 2014, we want to keep the people at the centre of this website.