Security Serious Week 26-30 October
What’s it all about and how can you get involved?
For a number of years October has been dubbed Cyber Security Awareness Month. The problem is that not many people know that, and fewer do anything about it. Well, it’s time to change that.
The last week of October (26th to 30th)we’re launching a campaign called Security Serious – five days dedicated to businesses who take security seriously and want to share their IT security experiences with other businesses. Our mantra will be “we’re security serious are you?”
It’s all about talented security organisations, the private sector and the general public getting together to collaborate and share the expertise of those companies who are doing something positive about information security to stem the tide of breaches and malware infections.
It’s about giving people in-depth intelligence, help identify the right tools, unearth impressive technologies and adopt processes that together make their work-place compliant, secure and a trusted partner to do business with.
During the week inspired organisations, who work hard at making information security a priority for their workforce, will offer some of their knowledge for FREE to other organisations who want to learn how to get it right – in a fun and informative way!
That’s it – simple really!
How can you can get involved?
- Join us at 12 noon, outside the Tower of London, on day one of Security Serious week (26 October) for a press photocall. We’re hoping hundreds of companies are going to stand together in solidarity for the press to capture the businesses that are Security Serious. Sign up for the photocall here by contacting [email protected]. Everyone that takes part can order a canvass and t’shirts printed with their logo plus the slogan “XX is Security Serious are you? www.securityserious.” Canvasses will cost £45, and t-shirts £20 – After the press photocall we will all go to the pub for a great networking event. This will be sponsored by a major corporation –could it be you?
- Donate your expertise during Security Serious Week by offering either a seminar, networking event, free software – anything you can do that other people could benefit from to increase their information security awareness.
- Tweet about the event using #securityserious
- Add the Security Serious logo to all of your email signatures – I can email that to you to use
- Blog about the event to tell others what you’re doing to be Security Serious
- Think creatively and tell us how else you think you could help to spread the word.
We will have a timetable on the website (website will be up later this week) which will be updated regularly with events scheduled to take place during Security Serious Week. All of these will be offered on a first come first served basis – FREE OF CHARGE!
As word spreads of this campaign we hope to add more and more events so keep checking back to see what’s on offer.
All events are free to attend
Any profit made from T-shirt and placard sales will be donated to the White Hat Ball Charity which supports the ChildLine.
This event is all about the IT security industry, and the professionals that work within it, getting together to take Security Seriously. Contact[email protected] or tel: 0207 1832 832 to discuss how you can get involved.