Eskenzi PR is a PR agency that specialises in IT security. The staff there have heard so many amazing stories over these years from their hacker friends & clients it would make your hair stand on end! We all love scaring our friends and family over dinner with these stories, but Eskenzi PR thought it was worth sharing these further in a little book of hacker tales ideal for bed time reading contributed by Eskenzi PR staff, clients and industry colleagues.
They’re really here to make you sit up and think twice about your own security practices and to spread the word about better IT security housekeeping! Most are fictitious, some have happened and others could still happen. This book will be ongoing so if you fancy adding a chapter for the next series we’d be happy to hear from you – all proceeds from this book will go to the children’s charity NSPCC.
The Hacker Tales book is dedicated in memory of the late Steve Gold, a true friend and valued colleague that was taken too soon. A veteran of the security industry and amazing spirit who was so supportive of this publication, yet never got the chance to write his own – we dedicate this to you, Steve.