CompTIA, the world’s leading non-profit association for the technology industry, has launched a new self-paced online training programme to help UK organisations educate their staff in the fundamentals of cybersecurity in the workplace.
CompTIA CyberSecure™ gives employees practical cybersecurity awareness tips and helps them realise that their everyday actions are the crucial first step in protecting their organisation against data breaches and other threats.
The cost of data breaches continues to soar, with the average UK breach costing upwards of £1.4m according to PwC’s Information Security Breaches Survey 2015. Meanwhile, CompTIA’s International Trends in Cybersecurity research revealed that human error was the cause of 52 percent of data breaches last year, and 79 percent of companies believe that cybersecurity threats are on the rise. The CompTIA CyberSecure course content is informed directly by research, ensuring that the training tackles current security issues.
“Every business that uses IT needs to be aware of the consequences when employees don’t following cybersecurity best practices,” said Graham Hunter, VP Certifications, Europe and Middle East, CompTIA. “Time and time again, we hear of employees causing data breaches, whether that be through leaving a USB device with important data lying around, or clicking on unsolicited links in emails. Such actions are rarely malicious, but more often the result of a lack of training, lack of knowledge or simply general carelessness.”
CompTIA CyberSecure is a self-paced, online course designed to educate everyone in the workplace – from the front desk receptionist to the chief executive – on the cybersecurity best practices that are vital to protecting the business.
“It’s clear that cybersecurity is no longer exclusively the domain of the IT security department,” continued Hunter. “The responsibility lies with all employees to be secure with their devices. This only increases as more employees work remotely and on the move.”
Learning modules for CompTIA CyberSecure were developed and approved with the expertise and guidance of the help of the CompTIA IT Security Community, a group of industry leaders in the IT security sector.
The programme sets a baseline and cultural standard for cybersecurity practice within an organisation, and helps the IT industry by educating end-users about this critical issue. This is significant for a business’s bottom line. Limiting the number of cybersecurity issues that reach the IT staff reduces risk and operational costs for the organisation.
The course covers six areas:
- Protecting yourself and your company from information leaks: understanding the difference users can make to a company’s security and the steps they can take to make it safer.
- Basic categories of information security threats: understanding where leaks can come from and the different types of threats.
- Cultivating a safe information mind-set: how IT and HR policies can help instil secure behaviour
- Cultivating a safe environment: the security practices employees should adhere to in the office or working remotely.
- Implementing safety strategies online: how practicing awareness, vigilance and scepticism will keep data safe
- Protecting data and networks: how users can protect their business’ networks
Each category delivers comprehensive cybersecurity training in a way that’s engaging for employees and efficient for the employer.
CompTIA CyberSecure is available now for purchase to any business or organisations in the UK. For CompTIA members, a special offer and discounted pricing on CyberSecure is available. Members may contact [email protected] for details.
CompTIA has more than two decades of experience in building and promoting cybersecurity readiness, including certifications for IT professionals; best practices and credentials for organisations; and, with CompTIA CyberSecure, innovative awareness training for anyone who touches a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet.
To learn more about CompTIA CyberSecure or to request a product demo, visit