A new retail report, by mobile technology solutions provider Apadmi, found that consumers would like to see retailers make better use of technology in-store.
Nearly half (46%) now expect stores to offer free WiFi and one in five shoppers want retailers to use technology that will provide a more tailored shopping experience while they browse in-store – like an app that notifies them of nearby offers or provides product recommendations or reviews.
Speed and convenience are top priorities for today’s high street consumer. Being able to pay for items through an app to avoid queues appealed to over a quarter of shoppers surveyed in the report.
If retailers cannot implement “just walk out” technology, where customers can purchase items through an app without the need for cashiers like that used by Amazon Go, consumers would, at a minimum, like to purchase products through an app and then pick up their items in-store (26%).
With one in ten UK consumers downloading more retail apps in the last 12 months than they did in the previous year, the research highlights the shift towards online and mobile technology and the need for retailers to now offer a unified, omnichannel experience.
Nick Black, CEO of Apadmi, said: “There is a need among consumers for retailers to make better use of technology in-store to make every aspect of the shopping journey more enjoyable. As shoppers continue to embrace mobile e-commerce, and retail apps, the in-store experience needs to remain relevant and therefore incorporate the benefits that can be achieved through shopping online.
“Our research has uncovered a desire among shoppers for more convenient ways of buying items in-store, as well as better communication channels to inform them about the latest offers or promotions as they walk around the shop.
“Expectations of the in-store experience are increasing, and while it will be challenging for retailers to meet the demands of tech-savvy shoppers, it’s important that they get on-board to retain customer loyalty.”
View the report here