A new survey from Imperva has revealed that 27 percent of today’s security teams receive over 1 million security alerts every day, which leaves 53 percent of IT professionals struggling to identify critical security incidents over false positives. As a result of the huge volume of alerts security teams are faced with today, the study also revealed that 30 percent of IT professionals have flat-out ignored certain categories of alerts, while four percent have turned off the alert notifications altogether.
To help combat the weight security alerts can put onto stretched IT security teams, Imperva has launched a new solution called Attack Analytics.
Attack Analytics helps security analysts cut through the noise and alerts them to critical application security events, whether from an on-premises WAF, in the cloud or across hybrid environments. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, Attack Analytics automates the time-consuming process of combining, correlating and distilling application attack events and can condense days or weeks of work into minutes. Critical attacks are instantly prioritized so security teams can respond faster, significantly reducing risk and ultimately improving the company’s security posture.
“Enterprise security teams are buried under an avalanche of security alerts. By harvesting the power of AI, we’ve provided a solution that cuts through the noise to pinpoint the threats that matter most,” said Eldad Chai, senior vice president of product management at Imperva. “Combining threat intelligence from our worldwide installed base, the solution allows customers to identify and track global, industry and per site patterns instead of looking at individual alerts, which allows them to respond faster to emerging patterns and stay ahead of the curve.”