A month after hacker forum WeLeakData.com was shuttered, the content of its database, including hackers’ private messages, is for sale on the dark web. Noting claims that the FBI seized the forum, resulting in its closure, are unsupported, researchers at Cyble who identified and verified the database leak said, “After a brief time of being offline, allegedly, the site was sold to a new member of the forum, and came back online.” About the same time they observed “a new fork cracking site – leaksmarket.com which was strikingly the same site (operated by a new actor with no credibility), with all the same content,” leading them to believe the original WeLeakData database either had been compromised or rebranded by the original owner. “However, when they came back online in April, the second hypothesis got nulled, and we then had a high degree of the confidence level of a data breach, at one of the largest cracking communities itself,” researchers said in a blog post.
Source: SC Magazine