New research from Seqrite has found that in 2020 there were 13,733 malware threats detected every hour. The report showed that of all threats Trojan malware threats were the leaders quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) and year-on-year (YoY).
According to the research out of the 113 million malware detections, the first quarter totalled the highest at 36 million detections. It also showed that in the month of January there were the most malware attacks.
Himanshu Dubey, Director, QuickHeal Security Labs said “with the advent of Covid-19, threat actors have realised how they can capitalize on this new opportunity by banking on the new vulnerabilities that have popped up due to remote working or work from home (WFH).” He continued to say that, “attackers are going to innovate and roll out new ways to target businesses in 2021. It is, therefore, essential for them to invest in robust cybersecurity solutions that can prevent them from being prey to the evolving threat landscape.”