Already, DDoS attacks have set a new record and taken the extortion trend that started in August 2020 to the next level. Akamai, an internet security company has already reported the largest known DDoS (RDDoS) attack. The company has said the attack was more complex than previously seen incidents of DDoS attacks.
In February of 2021, Akamai dealt with “three of the six biggest volumetric DDoS attacks” that have ever been recorded. The most recent of these attacks peaked at 800Gbps, which was targeted at a gambling company in Europe. The perpetrators used the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) or protocol 33, which, according to Akamai, is a new DDoS attack vector. The attackers leveraged the DCCP for DDoS, which lead to a volumetric attack and has the ability to bypass the defences set up for the TCP and UDP traffic flows.