Zoom has awarded researchers $1.8 million in bug bounties over 2021, and $2.4 million since the programs launch.
Bug bounties have emerged as a popular cybersecurity method recently, amidst the industry’s skill shortage. Estimates suggest that there will be roughly 3.5 million unfilled job openings by 2025 in the US alone.
Zoom has experienced a huge rise in popularity in recent years, as COVID-19 forced many employees into a work-from-home or hybrid working environment. An increase in use, however, soon highlighted a range of security problems that needed to be addressed. Hence the bug bounty program.
Although the main program is private, Zoom actively recruits digital bounty hunters, with over 800 researchers now participating.
Over 2021, the software vendor paid out $1.8 million in bug bounties over 401 reports.