A German Green Party spokesperson told POLITICO that email accounts belonging to the party had been compromised in a cybersecurity incident.
Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang, the party’s co-leaders, were among the hacking victims, in which some messages were forwarded to external servers. Additionally, German magazine Der Spiegel reported Thursday that the attack also affected the party’s intranet IT system “Grüne Netz” where it exchanges confidential information.
The party spokesperson added “more than these email addresses are affected. It is about emails with the domain ‘@gruene.de’.” The spokesperson declined to say whether German government officials were also affected.
The email accounts were not fully infiltrated and hackers had no direct access. Only the communications of compromised accounts were automatically forwarded.
The attacks were discovered initially discovered by the party’s IT service provider. The party informed authorities and field a legal complaint on May 30.