A 2022 report by the security firm Digital Shadows analyzed 90 data leak sites on the dark web and found that there were a 705 victims in Q2.
This is a 21% increase compared to Q1 where the firm found 582 victims on the same sites.
The leading ransomware group was Lockbit, utilizing the new ransomware operation Lockbit 3.0, which they claim is the “world’s fastest and most stable ransomware”.
Lockbit overtook the infamous Conti group, a Russian-based ransomware group which saw a significant decrease in operations after internal chat logs were released giving valuable information information security experts.
Lockbit had an estimated 230 victims meaning it accounted for almost a third of all postings to leak sites in Q2.
Industrial goods and services was by far the hardest hit sector in Q2, accounting for almost a fifth of all attacks at 18.4%. Technology cane second, at 8.7%, followed by construction (7.9%), healthcare (6.4%), and government (5.5%).
The US was the most targeted region, accounting for almost 40% of all incidents. Germany and the UK followed in second and third place.