The Matrix open network for decentralised communication now counts more than 60 million users, announcing a record growth of 79%. The network is run by a small team of developers and volunteers working to provide a secure and private alternative to other messaging options.
In the past year, 25 million users have joined the service, as a result of three key events.
First, individuals and corporate entities sought a secure collaboration platform after recognising the advantages of the project compared to mainstream products.
Secondly, German’s healthcare system decided to adopt the Matrix network last summer, which will see over 150,000 organisations in the country eventually joining the platform.
Thirdly, announced in May 2022 that it would also start supporting the Matrix protocol giving its 12 million users the option to communicate with other users through the network.
Matrix co-founder and CEO Matthew Hodgson said in an email: “Matrix’s new milestone, surpassing 60 million users, is a clear sign that users don’t want to be subjected to advertising-funded messaging apps that data-mine their information.”
The team’s next goal is to reach 100 million users. They believe they could achieve this by making the protocol more technically alluring by implementing a peer-to-peer Matrix system, decentralised E2EE video conferencing, and Third Room (a decentralised, open source metaverse platform).
The next milestone the Matrix team has in sight is to reach 100 million users. The project believes this could be achieved by making the protocol even more technically alluring.