If you are on a limited internet plan, it would be wise to monitor your network traffic to know the apps that consume a large volume of data. iOS devices are fast and tend to auto-refresh apps and load high-quality websites and images. These can strain your internet plan and make it finish earlier than expected.
Some might think turning off your data connection at every opportunity is an easy fix, but it is not ideal. It will stop instant messages from entering your device in real-time and hinder effective communication between you, your family, friends or work colleagues. Many applications also need a constant internet connection to work normally, so this quick fix would not work long-term.
Monitoring your data usage will give you a better handle on the situation, so you know the right applications to remove from your device or restrict. Network monitoring will also let you know the amount of data you consume at set intervals so you can choose the right plan to suit you. iOS devices have a built-in feature that allows data usage tracking but is limited in the amount of data it can show.
Many people prefer using third-party platforms to monitor their network usage. Corellium is one of the trusted third-party platforms that anyone can use to monitor HTTPS traffic on their iPhones and iPads. During this network monitoring exercise, you can see if you are the victim of a DDoS attack.
What is a DDoS Attack?
A Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack is an artificial influx of traffic to a web server or host. During such an attack, a hacker can use so much bandwidth that it crashes the web server. Such attacks devastate online businesses if they are not well protected, as it stops real customers from accessing the website.
Mobile devices are now being used to orchestrate DoS and DDoS attacks because mobile botnets evade standard protection methods. This is partly thanks to a DoS bug that leaves iOS devices vulnerable to such attacks. Hackers now find ways to trick mobile users into downloading malicious apps disguised as regular apps. When enough people have downloaded their application, they attack a web server simultaneously. This action will draw traffic from the phones to the web server. Most times, the mobile user will be unaware that this is happening unless they check their network usage. Using Corellium to monitor your network traffic proactively will reduce the chances of your iOS device being used for such attacks.
Companies can also monitor the network usage of mobile phones issued for work purposes. During audits, managers can check their employees’ internet usage to know if they use the phones for personal activities. With Corellium, they can also see the time each network request was sent, the URL visited, and the amount of data the request consumed.
It is helpful to monitor HTTPS traffic on your iOS device as it lets you manage your limited internet plan and save money. It also helps you detect if you have been hacked and enables you to take corrective measures quickly. iOS devices are built with rigid security systems, but some hackers can penetrate them, so it is vital to check your traffic regularly.