In the current era, proactive cybersecurity steps are essential to upholding a strong cybersecurity stance. A vital investment worth considering is a vulnerability management platform, also known as an exposure management platform, which can enhance preventive cybersecurity measures for businesses of various scales. Below, we will delve into five ways a vulnerability management platform can enhance the cybersecurity defense of your digital environment.
Update Your Software
Ensuring that all personnel within your organization maintain their software current is paramount. Security updates are automatically applied when utilizing cloud-based software. For organizations yet to adopt cloud technology, updates can still be automated and distributed to staff. Foster accountability among your team by employing software that prompts users to install updates on their individual devices.
Hackers Advantage
Software can execute thousands of password attempts within minutes, aiming to infiltrate systems. Unfortunately, many individuals do not prioritize creating strong passwords. Research from InfoSecurity Magazine reveals that 59 percent of people incorporate easily guessable details like their name or birth date into their passwords.
One method, known as brute force attacks, involves a programmed bot systematically trying different passwords. Initially, it targets simple passwords that can be cracked in less than a second. Another tactic, the dictionary attack, tests common words, which are limited compared to the vast array of possible random characters that could be used. It’s worth noting that a dictionary attack might also include substitutions like replacing “E” with “3.”
Hackers take a different approach by utilizing purchased password lists from the dark web (often obtained from various security breaches) and testing them until they find a match. This underscores the dangers of using the same password across multiple platforms, increasing the chances of compromise. In essence, your password may already be compromised.
Pesky Passwords
When you inquire with your IT leader about the organization’s most vulnerable point in cybersecurity, the immediate response points to employees. In the digital realm, passwords act as the gatekeepers to systems, email accounts, and websites, akin to the passcodes of the past that granted access.
However, due to the widespread reliance on password protection, individuals encounter what is known as password fatigue. Balancing numerous passwords across professional and personal domains becomes a challenge. While security experts advocate for lengthy, intricate, and unique passwords, the struggle of memorizing them all often leads to shortcuts being taken.
Employees tend to opt for easily recallable passwords, sometimes resorting to jotting them down on sticky notes placed on their screens. Regrettably, this habit frequently involves using the same password for multiple platforms and services. Yet, a simple password can be cracked by hackers in a fraction of a second, especially when reused across various accounts, thereby jeopardizing each system or website’s security.
Backup Your Data
Experiencing data loss, particularly as a consequence of a cyberattack, can spell disaster for your business. Engaging in data backup practices guarantees the preservation of your crucial information and assets even amidst unfavorable circumstances, be it cyber threats or unexpected calamities.
Whether it pertains to customer data, financial records, intellectual property, or operational files, the absence of such data can result in disruptions to operations, financial repercussions, and at times, irreversible harm to your brand image.
Hire a Virtual CISO
Numerous small and medium-sized enterprises might not have the means to hire a full-time chief information security officer (CISO). Nevertheless, opting to outsource this position to a virtual CISO can grant them expert cybersecurity advice without the cost of a full-time employee.
Collaborating closely with top management, a virtual CISO crafts and executes a customized cybersecurity strategy that matches the organization’s cybersecurity maturity level, objectives, and risk acceptance threshold.
Engaged in crafting guidelines, managing protocols, and supervising response strategies, a virtual CISO holds a pivotal position in elevating an organization’s cybersecurity maturity.
Final Thoughts
Through the adoption of a comprehensive approach, organizations can tackle the inherent vulnerabilities associated with the human element in cybersecurity. By engaging in dynamic training sessions, organizations can empower their human firewall to combat and prevent cyber threats effectively.