In the Netherlands, it seems that there has been a move by the Dutch Bankers Association (NVB) to provide some clarity and consistency for Dutch consumers. Prompted by a rash of phishing scams that tripled fraud losses in just one year, the NVB have responded with a code of conduct based on five security guidelines. Alleged victims of internet fraud will have to prove they followed these in order to have losses refunded.
The code states that people must have:
- An ability to demonstrate that they kept their PINs secure.
- Proof that they did not loan out their card to third parties.
- Anti-virus software installed on their PCs.
- Evidence they maintained regular checks on their account balances.
- Reported any incidents immediately.
If all Dutch banks implement this code of conduct (due to commence in January 2014) then this does indeed constitute a consistent position on online banking security. The guidelines are all based on common sense, but in terms of clarity and enforceability there is still some room for doubt.