The FBI plans to release a malware-analysis tool to external security researchers, academics and others.
According toThreatpost, Malware Investigator is designed to allow FBI agents and other authorised law enforcement users to upload suspicious files. Once a file is uploaded, the system runs it through a cluster of anti-malware engines and returns a wide variety of information about the file.
Users can see what the detection rate is among AV engines, network connection attempts, whether the file has been seen by the system before, destination and source IP addresses and what protocols it uses. However once opened to the wider community, the system will allow security researchers and others to upload suspicious files they’ve collected and get correlation information and any other data the FBI has on them or related files.
Right now, Malware Investigator is able to analyze Windows executables, PDFs and other common file types, but the FBI said that the bureau is hoping to expand the portal’s reach in the near future.