Public-private threat intelligence sharing partnerships are increasingly common, and it turns out that most IT executives within critical infrastructure organizations see a need for them—especially as threats continue to snowball, to the point of potentially leading to casualties.
A full 86% in a recent survey from the Aspen Institute and Intel Security said that such partnerships are key to keeping pace with escalating cybersecurity threats.
Interestingly, most see improvements in cybersecurity over the last three years, and maintain a high degree of confidence in existing security. When asked to evaluate their security posture in retrospect, 50% reported that they would have considered their organizations “very or extremely” vulnerable three years ago; by comparison, only 27% believe that their organizations are currently “very or extremely” vulnerable.
Correspondingly, more than four in five are satisfied or extremely satisfied with the performance of their own security tools such as endpoint protection (84%), network firewalls (84%) and secure web gateways (85%).
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