A group of threat actors calling themselves DD4BC has been attempting to extort money from financial companies and other business by threatening to hit them with massive distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS), content delivery vendor Akamai said in a report published today.
The group has been active since at least September 2014, but appears to be ratcheting up its operations and going after a broader cross section of targets. Since April 2015, the group has hit at least 114 Akamai customers with DDoS attacks, with an average peak bandwidth of around 13.34 Gbps.
The largest of the attacks that Akamai observed generated over 56.2 Gbps of traffic. At the height of the group’s activity in June, Akamai mitigated at least 8 DDoS attacks that had peak bandwidths of more than 23 Gbps.
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