A word that has become synonymous with suspicious, illegal or unscrupulous online activity, it is hard to avoid bots being mentioned in one capacity or another in 2020. Now accounting for 50% of online traffic, bots and the legality of bots remains a misunderstood subject.
Defined in layman’s terms as an automated tool that mimics human behaviour in order to generate a large amount of traffic, bots can be used for almost anything online, most of which is perfectly harmless (such as chat bots on company websites helping prospective users or customers). However, negative headlines associated with bots do not exist in a vacuum. Bots can be used to launch DDoS attacks on organizations digital ecosystems, or to buy up scarce or valuable stock during flash sales, to then sell on for a hugely inflated profit.
Deepak Patel of PerimeterX will explain the murky world of bots, drawing on his two decades of experience in building networking and web application solutions. For more information on how to defend your business against bots, visit https://www.perimeterx.com/