Cybercriminals have recently hacked Vastaamo, a psychotherapy giant, and are trying to contact patients threatening to reveal their confidential patient files if they do not pay a ransom.
The Finnish psychotherapy company has over 40,000 patients, with customers registered between November 2018 and March 2019 likely to be affected by the breach, although it is unclear why the data is only surfacing now. The breach and the blackmailing of patients has resulted in an emergency meeting held in the Finnish Cabinet on Sunday.
Vastaamo has reported that 300 patients names and contact details have been published alongside their patient records, but it is unclear how much more data was compromised in the breach. The cybercriminals have been approach patients demanding a 200€ ransom, which will increase to 500€ if unpaid in 24 hours. The attackers have also demanded 450,000€ in Bitcoin from Vastaamo themselves.