Today, live from KB4-Con, Knowbe4’s CEO Stu Sjouwerman welcomed KnowBe4 partners and customers to the event and introduced the concept of HDR, or Human Detection and Response to attendees. Similar to the already recognised industry buzz phrase XDR that encapsulates all security defences with the end goal of reducing complexity through integration of many cybersecurity tools – HDR integrates security layers from a human perspective.
Stu’s vision for HDR sees the correlation of real-world security behaviours with existing security technologies to bring what he calls one of the most important elements of security protection, the human, firmly into the equation. He alluded to a scenario: Imagine a real-time security coach, where a security event gets detected and fed into the Crowdstrike cloud. The HDR cloud solution would then take this behaviour-related event and notify the user directly with a quick one-minute training over Slack, Teams, email or the productivity platform of choice. “This real-time behaviour response and correlation can help enormously to improve the efficacy of an organisation’s SOC,” Stu noted.
Stu ended his keynote by teasing a new mobile app and encouraging attendees to attend his Ask Me Anything (AMA) session.
The IT Security Guru has had the pleasure to attend KnowBe4’s annual user and partner conference, KB4-Con, in Orlando Florida this week. The conference kicked off today with lead security advocate Javvad Malik taking the role of MC. Keep following the IT Security Guru for more from the conference.