Vice President of Product Marketing at Cato Networks, Eyal Webber-Zvik, representing the world’s first SASE platform, spoke last week at Infosecurity Europe. Topic of discussion? Cloud-native single pass processing in action.
Following Gartner’s introduction of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) as a concept in 2019, Cato Networks was able to build the world’s first SASE platform, the convergence of wide area networking (WAN) and network security devices into one single cloud-delivered service. Customers of Cato can now move away from multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) and towards a more secure and connective SASE cloud. But how does it work?
Cato provides a secure network for its customers, all in the cloud. At over 65 Points of Presence (PoPs) worldwide, there exist multiple nodes each with multiple copies of a Single Pass Cloud Engine (SPACE). Innovated by Cato, SPACE is the Cato core of the SASE architecture introduced by Gartner, allowing for connectivity and resilience on a globally private shared network.
According to the Vice President of Product Marketing at Cato Networks, Eyal Webber-Zvik, the use of SPACEs in the SASE architecture simplifies existing traffic issues by dynamically orchestrating the network. Each PoP and its SPACEs runs the same for every customer, everywhere in the world. Meaning that each customer, traffic pattern, or task in a specific area uses the same Cato SPACE.
The software is autonomous, and the policy for the flow of it is extracted from the context of the situation. For example, if there are network issues in one area, then traffic is automatically moved to the next available SPACEs of a PoP, no matter where that is. The policy, he explained, follows the user, as opposed to the other way around.
The benefit of this, Webber-Zvik was sure to explain, is that Cato’s SPACE dynamics enhances automated load balancing and high availability orchestration to an industry where network connectivity issues are common and complex. Now, those experiencing issues are simply routed to the next available SPACE, usually without even knowing it.
Overall, the switch to SASE architecture using Cato-innovated SPACEs is a convergence of network capabilities into one silo. Into one single software stack. This is cloud-native single pass processing in action. How much easier it is!