Netwrix Auditor 6.5 from Netwrix (REVIEW)
Verdict: A sophisticated and affordable change and configuration auditing solution capable of providing stunning levels of information about all your business critical systems.
Change auditing in today’s diverse IT infrastructures is a major challenge but businesses have a clear duty to implement these systems for their own safety and to comply with data protection regulations. A fundamental requirement is Active Directory (AD) auditing but add in Exchange services, file servers and databases and you have an administrative nightmare in the making.
Netwrix Auditor looks to have every base covered and the latest v6.5 on review goes way beyond this basic remit. Not only can it audit AD and Group Policy but it keeps you abreast of inactive accounts and provides complete visibility of Exchange, SQL Server, Windows Server and SharePoint systems.
Product review – Netwrix IT Security Guru_FINAL
CipherPost Pro from AppRiver (REVIEW)
Verdict: CipherPost Pro is an affordable and highly secure email encryption service that’s simple to deploy and offers extensive message tracking and auditing.
Businesses handling confidential information have legal and moral obligations to ensure it stays that way and especially so when emailing it. Email encryption is the obvious answer and AppRiver’s CipherPost Pro offers a simple and affordable cloud service that neatly avoids the problems inherent in
many other solutions.
CipherPost Pro uses AppRiver’s Secure Messaging Platform (SMP) to provide complete end-to-end security. When a user sends an email with CipherPost Pro, it avoids using
insecure SMTP and establishes an HTTPS connection to the AppRiver cloud data centre.
The email is sent securely to the cloud servers where it is stored with 256-bit AES encryption. SMTP is only used to send a notification email to the recipient which doesn’t contain any confidential data or file attachments.
04th of July 2014: Product Review AppRiver Cipher Post Pro